There are many kinds of people in this world. Some are passive, so are aggressive, some passionate and others are unicorns and everything in between. We ask our selfs is this the right situation for me? Then we put our selfs in situations that we know would work in the begging .... what just to repeat a cycle we don't really understand. I will be the first to admit to not having the best education, upbringing, or relationships but you know what they say you live and you learn. One thing is for sure and two are for certain.... I have lived and I have learned!
Point being when choosing a stable mate (whether it be a soul mate to a play mate) it all comes down to picking the right people best suited for you as well as your life style and vice Verica. Time tells everything and will always be the defining factor but a lot of other things come into play such as- Religion, politics, money, children, family, friends, lifestyle and social media. Besides all of those key defining factors you also have to account for chemistry which you can't fake or produce!!!
So if you have significant other in your life take the time to appreciate them for who they are and what they bring to the table. often times when we love some one, later in life we try to change the qualities we can no longer stand and that's NOT right! It's important that we accept each other for the individuals that we are, without judgment in our closest relationships. we should build each other up and encourage the best for one another. Bring each other to the top not fight for it! a little love goes a long way, I'm just sayin! so try to love a little more often, stress a lot less! Enjoy life and your loved ones that surround you!
thank you so much!
Much love
Juicy Jen