Life is unpredictable and unexpected. Regardless, you should always learn more and keep an open mind. Our skin is our biggest organ. Our hearts keeps us pumping. Our minds keeps us sharp. Our spirits keeps us connected. Our loins not only produce but should also also be exercised like a muscle. Just like we unconsciously use our minds for everyday problem solving, we need to also release our most intimate desires. There are thousands of studies and decades of research which show a persons overall happiness, well being, and state of mind is directly connected to their sex life. If there is ever an issue of trust, that only means there is a solution to follow. If you need stimulation and motivation, it all comes down to understanding and communication with your partner about your current situation. Let me help open your mind,
.........Facts...... Life is short so live it to the fullest! We are not granted tomorrow so we should make the best of today! The amazing people around you are a gift that should be cherished. Everyday should be the best of your life. Love everyone but don't forget to love your self. Carpe Diem.
This is probably the most informative blog entry. It is just words that need to be said, heard, and understood to set a tone. Trust me from here on out I will be sharing sexy stories, adventures, experiences, and so much more. Please feel free to openly comment, ask questions, and send your love!
Let me tuck you in right!
Food for thought .... Let's practice an exercise together. Let's test my theory. Tomorrow when you wake you try not to get horny in the morning, during the day try not to think about sex at all. At night do not mentally or physically stimulate your self at all. Test your own will power while realizing your frustration levels going up. The next day do the exact opposite. I'm sure you see where this is going. Our brains let off serotonin that ignites positive vibes which creates📷 happiness. Sex = Happy try it!
As always love,
Juicy Jen